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Kollel Zichron Yechezekel, draws dozens of men every Tuesday evening, of all ages. The congenial yet serious beis medrash environment draws 30 to 40 men of all ages each week, teenagers to seniors, for a stimulating seder of Torah learning. There are several shiurim given by several rebbeim while other people topics learn b’chavrusa. The atmosphere is relaxed, but the learning is spirited and invigorating. Refreshments are served, which supplement and aid the learning. The kollel has also become a center of chessed for many neighborhood people.

Learning begins at 8:00 pm Tuesday evenings and ends with a spirited Maariv at 9:15 pm.


The Kol Torah of Kollel Zichron Yechezkel is in memory and in honor of Jeffrey Weitzman A"H. We believe that our success is in merit of his special Neshama that was with us for such a short time.

Go to the Donate Page to Sponsor a  night of learning in memory of a loved one, or to honor a lifecycle event in honor of someone

The cost of sponsoring a night of learning is only $180.00. Zechus of learning on behalf of a neshama is priceless.

click here to sponsor:

Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785